Use Social Media

Dogs and puppies in cages of varying sizes
Puppy Mills story (credit: WXIA, Atlanta, Georgia)

In Atlanta, WXIA’s Caged in Cruelty investigation was followed by a Facebook live discussion that drew 20,000 views. Reporter Rebecca Lindstrom repeatedly reminded the audience that the focus of her investigation was on animal welfare solutions in place elsewhere and how different the system is in Georgia.

Lindstrom was invited to conduct an Ask Me Anything (AMA) forum on Reddit, where she fielded more than 800 comments and questions over a six-hour period.

screenshot of Ask Me Anything reddit post
WXIA reporter AMA on Reddit

Her investigation also sparked action. "Within three days of our story, a lawmaker once debating what to do to help, had scheduled a meeting with legislative staff to draft five reforms for a bill in the upcoming session,” Lindstrom said. Two community meetings to discuss how to push for those reforms were also scheduled.

“On social media, I get constant feedback from people who appreciate [solutions] reporting, which is more hopeful. People are looking for that.”

Kaitlyn Ross headshot
Kaitlyn Ross
Reporter, WXIA (Atlanta, GA)