Solicit Story Ideas

Kansas City’s KSHB routinely solicits ideas for its solutions journalism project, SafeKC, from the audience online and on air. There is a Google form on the landing page and in the sidebar of every digital SafeKC story for readers to submit story ideas; on air, stories are tagged out with a request for suggestions and a dedicated email address,, to send them to. A year into the project, KSHB launched a Safe KC Facebook group with the intention of sparking more interaction.

A group of people sitting in a beauty shop as a crew films
KSHB barbershop roundtable hosted by anchor Kevin Holmes

The station has done several roundtables with community leaders and law enforcement officers focused on safety and crime prevention, some of which have produced story ideas. Video of the conversations is typically streamed on digital and edited down for air. KSHB also does “pop-up newsroom” events at local libraries, where anchors and reporters listen for story ideas.