Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Here's What It Takes To Keep Colorado River Fish From Going Extinct

    Scientists and environmentalists are working to keep several fish species native to the Colorado River basin from going extinct. Through interventions like fish hatcheries and wetland management, some fish numbers like the ponytail and razorback sucker have rebounded. They’re now looking toward implementing their success at other parts of the river system.

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  • Western Water Managers Bet On Cloud Seeding, Despite Gaps In Science

    In the American Southwest, state water managers have been investing for decades in weather modification programs, otherwise known as "cloud seeding." Colorado River Basin states recently agreed to expand that effort, hoping to build crucial snowpack. But some scientists are skeptical that cloud seeding can produce reliable supplies, citing huge data gaps.

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  • In A Drying Climate, Colorado's 'Water Cop' Patrols For Water Thieves

    In Colorado’s water-scarce Montezuma County, having a designated law enforcement official for water conflict is necessary. Dave Huhn is a sheriff’s deputy specializing in water law, responding to 60-100 calls each month – most of which are about water theft. As the region becomes more arid, it also becomes more ripe for conflict, making those who know the intricacies of water law more necessary than ever.

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  • To Save Their Water Supply, Colorado Farmers Taxed Themselves

    Colorado is only now recovering from a 16-year long drought that resulted in the aquifer irrigation system becoming increasingly dry. Until the farmers decided to tax themselves for water consumption, realizing that saving water now and taxing themselves would protect their farms and livelihood in the long run.

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