Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • pH7

    After the legacy of acid mine drainage from abandoned coal mines in Appalachian Ohio, there are several initiatives working to clean up the rivers and streams. Change-agents from universities, local organizations, and the government joined together in the 1990s to use both active and passive methods of neutralizing the pH level of the streams. Since then, they've brought the pH acidity down from 4.5 to 7 and grown the number of fish species from 4 to 37, and efforts are still ongoing and optimistic.

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  • "Sources of Strength" to Join Western State's Suicide Prevention Work

    Western State Colorado University is implementing an on-campus program called "Sources of Strength". The program helps prevent suicide by connecting trained students with their at-risk peers. The program will be used alongside the "question, persuade, refer" training that is administered to students and faculty to be used in a suicide crisis situation.

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  • Need Growing for Fire Mitigation in Homes at Wildland-Urban Interface

    A nonprofit in Colorado helps homeowners protect their properties from fires by making them “stand-alone defensible.” That means controlling fuels on the property to affect a fire's behavior and possibly avoid losing the home if fire suppression crews cannot reach the site. This is especially important as more homes are at risk because more people build in areas closer to wilderness and Western fires are growing bigger and hotter due to climate change and drought.

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  • "Boots On The Ground" For Backcountry Conservation

    As tourism activity increases on the trails throughout Colorado and crowds of mountain bikers flock to the Gunnison Valley area, a group born out of the Crested Butte Mountain Bike Association has formed to act as a boots on the ground type of coalition. From trail maintenance to educating newcomers on proper trail etiquette, the Crested Butte Conservation Corps have taken matters into their own hands.

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  • The Making of Telluride's Strict Short-Term Regulations

    Late-night disturbances. Unfamiliar cars. As short-term rentals became common in Telluride, nuisance concerns rose too. In response, the town council passed an ordinance, defining short-term rentals as stays of less than 30 days and instating strict zoning and licensing requirements on rental businesses. Five years later, the policy remains effective and popular.

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