Journalist willing to visit classrooms
SJN fellow

David Flier

Based in:

Libertador San Martín, Argentina

Español (Spanish)

I've worked since 2020 at RED/ACCIÓN, where I coordinate and edit solutions journalism articles for the section Solutions. I also write articles for this section about health, human rights and daily life.

At RED/ACCIÓN I am also the author of GPS AM, a current news curator newsletter sent daily, and the co-author of the newsletter OXÍGENO, on solidarity and human rights.

I'm an SJN LEDE Fellow 2023.


Digital First Outlet
Complicating the Narratives
Health Equity
Mental Health


Discussing story ideas
Providing mentorship to help others develop their practice
Connecting people with others in my region


Finding a mentor to help me develop my practice
Networking with people in my region
Learning how to pitch as a freelancer
Exploring culture change in a newsroom

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