Anne-Sophie Novel
Anne-Sophie Novel
I begun as a blogger, in 2006, during my phD in economics, to question the sustainability of our western ways of life. Once my thesis was finished, I decided to work as a freelance journalist, determinate to put ecological issues at the top of the media coverage. I work with big media (Le Monde, France TV, L’Obs, L’Express, Public Senat) and smaller one (La Salamandre, Kaizen, We Demain, Good Magazine, Vert, etc.). I teach in several journalism schools, I train many newsrooms (France TV, Sud-Ouest, Paris Match, Publi Hebdo, etc.) and I coordinated the work around the French charter published in order to upgrade journalistic practices to tackle the ecological emergency (https://chartejournalismeecologie.fr/upgrading-journalistic-practices-t…) I am also an author and spend time in various NGOs dedicated to press freedom. More information : www.demoinsenmieux.com