Build on Others' Work

Solutions reporting often brings regional, national, or international context to a local problem by presenting ideas and initiatives from elsewhere to local audiences. This comparative reporting can heighten accountability for local actors: If a problem is being solved elsewhere, what’s the problem at home? So what are some ways to do this without incurring travel costs?
One tool that can help your reporting is SJN’s story archive. The Story Tracker will point you to reporting that’s already been done on certain topics and geographies, and it can connect you to local media in communities of interest. In case you do travel for a story, you can contact sources in advance to maximize your time in the field.
In addition, consider the growing network of solutions journalism practitioners to be a resource for you and your reporters. SJN’s newsroom practice experts specialize in connecting newsrooms with each other. SJN also convenes events, such as an annual summit, that helps practitioners stay in touch, consult one another, and seek advice.