Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • “Power Companies Get Exactly What They Want”: How Texas Repeatedly Failed to Protect Its Power Grid Against Extreme Weather

    After winter storms and freezing temperatures in 2011 and 2014 caused power plants in Texas to shut down, the state’s energy regulators failed to adapt the state’s electric grid for future extreme weather events. Experts say the state’s deregulated energy market, failure to weatherize facilities, and a lack of action from lawmakers to update the power grid caused millions of customers to lose power during the deadly 2021 winter storm.

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  • San Francisco is cracking down on tent camps. Will Seattle do the same?

    San Francisco is following through on a controversial, aggressive plan to move people experiencing homelessness from encampments and tents, responding to complaints that the city's growing number of homeless people are a detriment to tourism and property values. Seattle, a city experiencing a similar problem, is considering the same approach because encampments have gone down by 50%, but critics say it is a compassionless approach that doesn't actually solve the problem, only move it.

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  • A cheaper way to ease Seattle's homeless crisis? Pierce County sees promising results

    In Washington State's Pierce County, homeless services employees have been helping people on the housing waiting list by using "diversion," to "connect clients to one-time financial help, instead of a prolonged subsidy, to secure housing." The two-year pilot program found that 50% of people who opted into diversion found permanent housing, 15% more than those who were directed to emergency shelters. While the diversion strategy is not a fix for systemic issues that keep people from securing housing, it is an approach that is both useful and cost-saving.

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  • San Diego did what Seattle didn't: give people a safe place to sleep in cars

    For homeless people living out of their cars, a safe place to park for the night is essential. While Seattle has struggled with this, the cities of San Diego and Santa Barbara have implemented more successful programs by imposing limitations and providing more access to caseworkers in "safe lots." The solutions, administered by local non-profits, highlight the potential and complications of giving people a place to sleep in their cars.

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