Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • College dreams often melt away in summer months. ‘Near-peer' counseling is helping keep them alive.

    A "near-peer" mentoring program offers a promising model for similar initiatives working to prevent "summer melt" for low-income students in the summer between their graduation from high school and arrival at college. College-age mentors provide in-person coaching and respond to texts about financial aid and other concerns.

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  • Colleges are starting to teach blockchain technology -- but its not enough for some

    While some universities have been hesitant to let blockchain technology into the traditional halls of academia, UC Berkeley has started offering blockchain entrepreneurship courses and student-run blockchain clubs and is actively looking for more ways to collaborate with industry partners. But UC Berkeley is also the first to admit the transition has challenges - those interviewed cited the lack of infrastructure, rapid rate of technological change, and uniquely multidisciplinary nature of the subject area as barriers to timely and enthusiastic adoption.

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  • How to help struggling young readers

    Researchers have pointed to third grade as a make it or break it point for young students learning to read so several nonprofits are now focusing their energy on improving student literacy rates in the grades prior. To help students learn better, nonprofits send reading coaches to sit in on classrooms and advise teachers on how to teach reading most effectively. The nonprofit Early Reading Matters reported an 11 percent increase in the number of students reading at grade level over the course of the 2016-2017 academic year.

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