Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Here's how Charlotte could turn property taxes into rental help

    Property taxes are being used to subsidize rent for households that earn up to 30 percent of the area median income. The pilot program allows landlords to use the tax rebates to cover rent for tenants who would be unable to live there otherwise. The initiative makes rent more affordable and also keeps affordable housing from being sold to developers who create luxury apartments, reducing the available affordable housing stock.

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  • With investors knocking, Charlotte HOAs are starting to change their rules

    One reason the market for middle-income housing has grown tight in Charlotte is a shortage of available homes for sale because corporate investors have bought so many developments for their rental income. To preserve affordable housing and encourage healthier communities, some homeowners associations are using restrictive deed covenants to try to limit corporate owners' encroachments. In one neighborhood, it seems to have worked, but there are legal complications that must be considered as other HOAs seek to copy the tactic.

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  • To combat COVID-19 information gaps, Latino leaders and Spanish media ‘work double'

    In North Carolina's Mecklenburg County, Spanish is more commonly spoken than English, yet information about the ongoing coronavirus pandemic wasn't being translated from English before being distributed. To address this "information gap," community leaders and media organizations stepped in and launched a hotline and public safety campaigns to help residents access information in a more timely fashion.

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  • El programa de Seattle hace que las viviendas sean económicas en un mercado costoso. ¿Es un modelo para Charlotte?

    Homestead Community Trust está penetrando la creciente burbuja de precios de vivienda en Seattle al ofrecer a compradores un modelo diferente para obtener una vivienda asequible. Las familias, pareja o individuo se encarga de pagar los costos de la vivienda, y paga por el terreno por separado. Homestead Community Trust son los dueños de los terrenos, pero mantienen los costos mensuales al nivel mas bajo posible.

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  • Seattle program makes homes affordable in a pricey market. Is it a model for Charlotte?

    The Homestead Community Land Trust offers affordable home ownership in Seattle and the rest of King County, Washington, ensuring that there is always permanently affordable homes available. This opens up homeowner opportunities for those who have historically been excluded and serves as a stem in the tide of gentrification. This article includes personal testimony from people who live in the housing, and already the program has reduced buyers' costs by 30%.

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  • ‘I just want more for them': New program aims to boost families' economic mobility

    Economic mobility becomes far more attainable when children grow up in a "high-opportunity" area as opposed to a "low-opportunity" area: housing within the city with access to transportation and amenities, higher-performing schools, and lower crime rates. An enhanced voucher program through the Charlotte Housing Authority offers families housing vouchers to move into high-opportunity areas. They also offer incentives to landlords who accept the vouchers, such as up to $1,000 to repair damage beyond normal wear and tear. The program is still new, and it will take generations to see its affects.

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