Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Hawaii Marines Now Guarding The Nests Of Endangered Species Audio icon

    Members of the Marine Corps in Hawaii often pull double duty: military training and endangered species protection. For example, in June, the Marines roped off 13 green sea turtle nests on a local beach. Part of their job is to evaluate the potential environmental impacts of where they perform their training exercises. Sometimes there are military members or residents who might not understand why they have to preserve and manage the land, but education outreach has led to a ramp up in conservation efforts for turtles, birds, and other creatures.

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  • He's Turning Lights on in War-Torn Rural Somalia, One Panel at a Time

    A Somali refugee who made good in America is working to connect people in his home country with solar power through a company he launched in the U.S. He’s had modest success connecting about 1,000 people so far, giving them better access to online banking and outside news and information. But he faces many challenges as well as competition and the added stress of finding banking partners when international regulators are leery of investing in a country linked to terrorism.

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