Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Knife crime: Glasgow, Scotland

    In Glasgow, Scotland, the city is taking a public health approach to knife crime. Instead of just grappling with the effects of violence, the city is taking a preventative, multi-pronged approach and addressing some of the underlying issues driving violence and crime in the area. While there are many interventions, common themes include building trust and offering support to those who could be vulnerable to committing violent acts.

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  • My Perfect Country: Nepal

    In Nepal, a revolutionary volunteer program called the “Female Community Health Volunteers” has led the country to drastically decline the number of women that die giving childbirth. Over 50,000 volunteers look after pregnant women and inform them of how to take care of themselves. “Between 1991 and 2011, it has seen an 80% decline in the number of women dying in pregnancy, during labour and after childbirth.”

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  • Norway: Recidivism Rates

    Prisons in Norway are designed to simulate life on the outside. Inmates are encouraged to work and get an education, and officers chat and do activities alongside them. Norway spends a lot of money per prisoner, but the system seems to contribute to the country’s low recidivism rates.

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  • Germany: Refugee Integration

    When Germany opened its doors to refugees, the country invested heavily in integration assistance, including free but compulsory language and civics courses. Though political division has formed in Germany over immigration issues, the focus on integrating refugees recognizes, and furthers, the potential of new arrivals to contribute to society.

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  • My Perfect Country: Cuba

    Following a devastating hurricane in the early 1960s, Cuba created a model disaster preparedness infrastructure that includes excellent forecasting, education in schools and promoting a culture of nationwide training where everyone has a role to play. The country also focuses on caring for the most vulnerable in disasters and there have been far fewer deaths in many storms compared to other countries. But the size of Hurricane Irma has challenged Cuba's ability to deal with larger, faster storms.

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  • Cuba: Hurricane preparation

    Cuba has one of the world’s lowest storm fatality rates in part because citizens learn how to prepare and respond to hurricanes beginning in elementary school. Children know where to go in an evacuation, neighbors open their homes to those in need, local leaders distribute supplies, and vulnerable people such as those with disabilities are assisted early.

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  • Rwanda: Gender equality

    Rwanda has the smallest gender gap in Africa. Women’s access to education, healthcare, politics, and property is considered across the board in policymaking from law to national budgeting. Gender-based violence continues to be a problem like elsewhere in the world, but women’s economic and political participation is strong. “I can walk into a boardroom and forget I’m a woman,” said Isabelle Masozera, a PR executive.

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  • Australia: Has it Cracked the Solution to Curb Smoking?

    Tough laws, taxes, and a public information campaign helped cut Australia’s adult smoking rate in half. The country leads the world in these efforts, including being the first to require plain tobacco packaging in 2012. However, some smokers protest, saying that the government is interfering with their individual rights.

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  • Shanghai: A Model for Teaching Maths, My Perfect Country, The Compass

    Shanghai students have consistently performed at the top of the world on math tests - a 15 year old in Shanghai scores better than most 18 year olds in the UK. Sometimes called "the mastery method," the Shanghai model assumes everyone can be a "maths master" and never separates students according to ability. Teachers introduce new topics gradually and ensure all understand before moving on. This radio piece explores whether Shanghai's idea can work in the UK and other countries.

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  • Japan: Gun Control

    Japan’s annual gun deaths are in the single digits, thanks to tight regulations on firearms. Even police defuse violence using martial arts rather than guns. Criminals use knives instead and find ways of illegally importing guns, but overall the near-taboo reduces deaths.

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