Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Keeping Cattle on the Move and Carbon in the Soil

    Grasslands are important players in carbon sequestration. In the U.S. and Kenya some farmers are switching to regenerative grazing. For some this entails concentrating herds of cows and resting paddocks for long periods of time, and for others it means reseeding native grasses. This all forms part of a larger global network to restore grasslands.

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  • Paid Family Leave Is a Game Changer for New Parents' Health, Not Just Their Economic Security

    The United States is the only developed nation to not have a national paid family leave policy, so several states are enacting their own form of the policy in order to better serve families and child development. The handful of states that have implemented a policy that allows for time off work with at least partial pay, have reported a myriad of successful outcomes including a decrease in infant and maternal mortality rates and overall better health of the child.

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  • As the U.S. Wrests Greater Control Over HIV, What's the Key to Success?

    As HIV rates rise, various states within the United States are working to address underlying issues that contribute to this increase by improving surveillance methods. Based on the premise that better record-keeping will lead to better solutions, some cities are already seeing success in reducing rates because they’re better able to target specific populations and communities.

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  • A Tale of Two Cities

    Two of America’s largest cities, New York City and San Francisco, are working to reduce HIV rates by bringing better health care options closer to the communities and connecting individuals with resources such as insurance and payment methods. Although the two cities are using different approaches, both are seeing early success in fighting against the epidemic.

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  • Falling Through the Cracks

    People with HIV/AIDS don't always know where to go for help or don't feel empowered to return when psychiatrists or doctors seem unwelcoming. Organizations throughout Washington, D.C. are working against perception by providing comprehensive approaches to health care services.

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  • Facing the Future of HIV Care

    When health care funding was cut in the United States, HIV clinics were hit harder than some other areas, impacting not just the medicine, but also the staff in these facilities. The Whitman-Walker Clinic in the District of Columbia, however, found a way to combat these changes by broadening the range of people they were caring for and mimicking service providers that were qualified as federally qualified health centers.

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