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Responses to problems are newsworthy
The Solutions Journalism Network is leading a global shift in journalism focused on advancing rigorous reporting about how people are trying to solve problems and what we can learn from their successes and failures.
What Is Solutions Journalism?
Solutions journalism is rigorous and compelling reporting about responses to social problems, which includes these key elements:
Bring solutions journalism to your work
Founded in 2013 by the award-winning journalists David Bornstein, Tina Rosenberg and Courtney Martin, the Solutions Journalism Network includes:

Want solutions journalism in your inbox?
The Solutions Journalism Network offers newsletters for journalists, educators and anyone else interested in how people are responding to problems.
Transforming journalism and communities
The global network is using solutions journalism to strengthen communities, advance equity, build trust and civic engagement, depolarize public discourse and gain new sources of revenue.
Press and Media Inquiries
For press and media inquiries, please contact our chief innovation officer, Ambika Samarthya-Howard.